Rear Adm Susheel Menon, VSM assumes duties of Flag Officer Sea Training

RAdm Susheel Menon, assumed charge as FOST on 15 May 2023. He is an alumnus of NDA and was commissioned in Indian Navy on 01 July 1992. Consequent to his qualification as a Gunnery specialist, he tenanted assignments as Gunnery Officer onboard INS Ranvijay and INS Talwar as commissioning crew. His other tenures at sea include those as Executive Officer of missile destroyer INS Mumbai, Commanding Officer of INTRV71, missile corvette INS Kirpan and state of the art missile destroyer INS Kolkata. He has also held appointment of FGO of Western Fleet. His staff assignments include tenures as Joint Director in DOP, Directing Staff at NWC, Goa and NA to VCNS. As Commodore, the Officer tenanted billets of Commodore (Operations) at Headquarters, ENC and Commodore (Strategy, Concepts and Transformation) at IHQ MOD(N), New Delhi. He is a graduate of Naval Command and Staff Course at Jakarta, Indonesia and Naval Command Course, Rhode Island, USA. Prior to his present appointment as FOST, he was Commanding Officer of INS Vikramaditya.

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