53 RD Lab Raising Day Celebrations at NSTL

NSTL celebrated its 53rd LRDC on 26 August 2022. Vice Admiral Biswajit Dasgupta, CINC, ENC was the Chief Guest at the celebrations organized at Manasi Auditorium, NSTL. Established on 20 August 1969 with 10 staff members, NSTL has grown multifold with 585 personnel including 174 Scientists and has made significant contributions to defence R&D and is recognized as one of the premier labs of DRDO engaged in the development of underwater weapons and systems. The Lab Raising Day Celebrations started with invocation, followed by welcome address by Chairman LRDC-2022 Sri M. Srinadh, Scientist-F. Sri ChVSN Murty, President NSTL Civil Employees Union explained in detail the social service activities of NSTL during COVID-19 pandemic and the booster vaccination programme. He requested scientist community and technical cadre personnel to put more efforts to support the nation. Dr. Manu Korulla, Scientist-G and Chairman Works Committee presented the annual report of Works Committee. In particular he mentioned the social service activities which were carried out with the cooperation of the Members of NSTL Civil Employees Union, JCM-IV, Works Committee and NSTL fraternity. He highlighted more than 75 events including Swatantrata Rally, Freedom Walk, Har Ghar Tiranga activities, etc. that were organized under Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav. In his address, Dr. Y Sreenivas Rao, Outstanding Scientist and Director NSTL explained the genesis of NSTL and how it evolved to the present State-of-the-Art premiere naval research laboratory; briefed the status of ongoing projects, stressed to progress on the innovative technologies to meet futuristic requirements; and gave details of new improvements in the laboratory towards achieving the targets. He specifically applauded the support given by NSTL Seva Samiti and Mahila Kalyan Manch in doing many altruistic activities. Dr. Samir V Kamat, Distinguished Scientist who assumed charge as Chairman DRDO and Secretary Dept. of Defence R&D addressed NSTL fraternity through a video message. In his message, he wished NSTL to reach more heights and to work with more enthusiasm towards achieving.

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