Bangladesh Naval Ships Visit Chennai

Bangladesh Naval Ships Visit Chennai

Bangladesh Naval Ships Ali Haider, a Type 053H2 frigate and Nirmul, a Durjoy class semi-stealth large patrol craft visited Chennai from 12 to 14 February 2018. The visit was aimed at strengthening the ties between the navies of the Indian Ocean littorals. The Bangladesh Naval Ships (BNS) were accorded a warm reception by officials from Flag Officer Commanding Tamil Nadu and Pondicherry Naval Area (FOTNA) with Indian Navy band in attendance.

Bangladesh Naval Ships Visit Chennai

As part of the visit, Captain ASM Afzalul Haque and Commander ANM Ishtiaq Jahan Farouqee Commanding Officers BNS Ali Haider and Nirmul respectively, called on Rear Admiral Alok Bhatnagar FOTNA. A number of activities including cross deck visits, sports fixtures and social engagements were organised for the visiting crew. The Bangladesh Naval Ships also undertook a Passage Exercise with Indian Naval Ships Ranjit and Khukri on their departure from Chennai.

Bangladesh Naval Ships Visit Chennai

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